Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Film vs. self

First, I find extremely uncomfortable that someone is talking about some else’s biography, while mixing their own opinion. I do not what is part of the biography and what is opinion. Secondly, I found ironic that in p. 275, the writers starts by saying “throughout his various autographical writings, a sense of the self emerges…”. I actually hope that a sense of self emerges while writing autography.
Anyhow, This article is mostly about self-representation and self-biographies. I think it is very obvious that our pasts influences our present and our future. Our culture, our good memories, our bad memories, our religion, our morals, our everything, changes our outcome. That is why everybody is different. As humans, as artists, as filmmakers, as editors, and writers will have a biased touch by us, every contributor, even it is totally honest or fake. Nobody can guarantee that everybody will like it, comprehend it, share it, learn from it, remember it, but everything we do as artists can reach and even change anybody, even in the future. I agree that “is not to say that avant-garde film is ‘dead’, just that it is becoming increasingly difficult to finance”. That why many things, previously part of human daily lives, are parts of museums: difficult to be part of our contemporary lives and with no compatibility anymore. Also, that the “splitting oneself across numbers of different axis: child and adult, old world and new…”. What do we show to this clueless audience? Appealing to the old fashion? Appealing to the new?  To the natural? How do we make it exciting? Interesting? Do we show our motivations? Influences? Our emotional truth? Would that be enough, or it would be too much? Do we distort it? Exaggerate it? Fake it? Would it be a home movie? A detailed one? do we make it about oneself? About others? About something or somewhere? About suffer? About happiness? How long? Do we edit it? A little bit or a lot? Close-ups or improvised?... and many more doubts and liberties has the film, documentaries, biographies, and many other.

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