Sunday, April 6, 2014

Claire Bishop

I can understand why this article upset a lot of people. Bishop calls out the new media, saying that it still contains old media like projectors and film. However the part of it, that is new media, everything has become digitized and has become cheap and easily accessible. Because of this, digital media doesn't have the feels of the analog medium. Programs, cameras, and apps are easily used with a click of a button to create instant results that we no longer take the time to think of the process of creation in between.With old media, it was a long drawn out process, usually expensive too, so it took real dedication to use, however now it is only used for nostalgia. After experimenting with the film camera I can say that it makes me appreciate digital medium a lot more. It takes quite a bit more work and dedication and patience to have to work with. Having a good amount of knowledge and experience beforehand would also help. I really like the part where she ties in research and google, how it's kind of destroyed the physical value of objects

cats also destroy physical value of objects

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